Find out how your Plan’s investments are performing each month. Take advantage of our educational content and tools to become financially fit, both now and for the future.
See monthly return summaries for ACEC Retirement Trust investments including Guaranteed Income Fund, Domestic Equity Funds, Socially Responsible Funds, International Equity Funds, Real Estate Funds, Fixed Income Funds and Target Date Funds.
Market Update: Mixed signals for investors
This economy and market have already shattered long-held patterns and are showing mixed signals about what lies ahead. What could be the best route for investors? See this Market Update with Chief Investment Officer Mike Vogelzang at CAPTRUST, our financial advisory business partner.
Informative content for Plan participants from our partners: Empower and CAPTRUST
How to set financial goals
What’s Coming out of Your Paycheck
Understanding Risk and Reward
Financial Tips for New Parents
Financial Wellness: Pursuing your Financial Freedom
Cultivating Financial Independence
Have You Checked Your Retirement Plan Lately?
It’s generally a good idea to review your employer-sponsored retirement savings plan at least once each year, and when major life changes occur. If you haven’t given your plan a thorough review within the past 12 months, now may be a good time to do so.