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Stay informed and up-to-date

Our webinars keep plan sponsors informed on topics like boosting employee participation and managing regulatory changes. Gain essential knowledge and fulfill your fiduciary duty in just one hour.

employees working on laptop in office

Attendance at our quarterly Plan Sponsor webinars and monitoring program performance fulfills your fiduciary responsibility under ERISA law. So we’ve turned a duty into an exciting and valuable one-hour program, 4 times a year.

Each webinar delivers business value with an interesting topic covered by an expert speaker, along with a summary of Trust decisions. If you can’t attend the webinar live, watch the recording. Document your attendance in your audit file, and you’re done!

We also provide Plan Sponsors with other informative content on an ongoing basis, including additional webinars, articles and videos. Check the Employer Resources page for the latest.

If you’d like to join ACEC Retirement Trust

Click here

Or, call Lydia Zabrycki at 559.284.0370