On December 29, 2022, the passage of the SECURE 2.0 Act of 2022 resulted in some important changes to qualified retirement plans. If your plan is part of the ACEC Retirement Trust, you have received quite a few pieces of information regarding SECURE 2.0 and how it affects your plan. If you are not part of the ACEC Retirement Trust, today is your lucky day so keep reading!
As part of the unprecedented fiduciary support that sponsoring plans receive through the ACEC Retirement Trust, constant insight and educational resources are provided to the plan sponsors and their participants. The Trustees serve as discretionary Trustees and have the prudent responsibility of providing oversight of the program’s service providers, oversee, negotiate, and monitor fees, select and monitor investments, and provide plan sponsor and participant education.
Qualified retirement plans are complex, but you don’t have to be an expert because that is the role of the ACEC Retirement Trust. Explore the resources below so you can be in the know regarding SECURE 2.0:
- SECURE Act 2.0 and your 401(k) plan: What you need to know. This 1-hour webinar, presented by the Trust’s ERISA legal business partner – McDermott Will Emery LLP – provides administrative guidelines and insight into how this new bill impacts your 401(k) Plan. WATCH WEBINAR
- SECURE 2.0 Checklist. Here are 10 key changes that require attention to ensure your 401(k) Plan remains in compliance. DOWNLOAD CHECKLIST
- ACEC RT Podcast How 401(k) Changes Impact Plan Sponsors.
If you would like to learn more about the ACEC Retirement Trust, please reach out to us by completing this short form. Sharing our wealth of knowledge by providing a top-notch 401(k) program is our overarching goal and we believe all engineering companies should have access to such a plan.